In-House Hockey League (IHHL)

The Littleton Hockey Association (LHA) continuously works hard to create opportunities and provide players with a fun and enjoyable hockey experience. The goal of the In-House Hockey League is to support new or beginner players with an opportunity to play hockey games as they continue to learn skills related to the game of hockey, without the stress of trying out for a competitive team or conflicts with other activities.

The IHHL League supports and promotes:

  • Playing in games and learning the rules of hockey
  • Good sportsmanship and fair play
  • Make new friends
  • Have FUN

The IHHL intends to equally draft players to build two teams for both the fall and winter season. It is our objective to give every player a positive hockey experience. We do not believe pressure to win is consistent with that goal. We expect coaches, players, and teams to have fun, win or lose.


At the completion of the enrollment process, two teams will be evenly drafted based on skill level/experience and will consist of 11 to 16 players per team (team size is based on enrollment to have each team with the same number of players). If there are no players that play the goalie position consistently, each team may need to have a new player play as the goalie for each game. LHA Hockey Association will provide goalie equipment for those players that want to play that position.


  • There will be two seasons for the IHHL – Fall Season and Winter Season.

  • IHHL Season Cost
  • $475/Season ▪ 1 practice and 1 game per week
  • Ice cost for 10 practices and 8 games •
  • The 8th game will be a championship
  • Cost of referees for each game
  • Players receive
  • Game jersey and socks
  • If players decide to play in both seasons, they will only receive one set of jerseys and socks
  • Each player is required to provide their own full hockey gear
  • Each player will need to register with USA Hockey prior to registering for the IHHL
  • Estimated cost is $46.00
  • Will only have to do this one time per calendar year. 


• Each season will consist of 8 games

  • 7 regular season games and championship

  • Game times
  • 3 min. warm up
  • 3 – 15min run time periods
  • Team will change ends at the end of each period.
  • Players will change on the fly.
  • There will be no overtime for ties.
  • For the championship game, there will be sudden death penalty shots, in a 1/1 format.


Coaches are expected to exhibit leadership and enthusiastic behavior while coaching. They will roll the lines equally and not shorten the bench to play for the win. We would like to have 2 new coaches for each game, if possible, to open and close the doors to let players on and off the ice. Certain types coaching behavior will not be tolerated:

• an exclusive focus on one player,

• yelling at players on either team,

• yelling at referees,

• encouragement of aggressive tactics

We are looking for volunteer coaches to help on the bench during the games. No previous hockey experience is needed. If you are a coach who wishes to help on the ice at practice, please contact Tanner Doty ( Coaches will need to become USA Hockey certified and complete all coaching certifications. 


The referee may penalize players and coaches exhibiting unsportsmanlike conduct, in which case the team will play shorthanded in accordance with the penalty provisions. Penalties may also result in infractions from any player or coach exhibiting behavior such as trash talking", swearing, yelling at the referees or opposing team, unnecessary rough play, or the intent to injure another player, slashing, checking from behind, high sticking. Penalties called will result in the offending player going to the penalty box for 1 minute. Players or coaches that exhibit multiple infractions for poor behavior and unsportsmanlike conduct may be dismissed from playing/coaching in other games, including the potential of expulsion from the league.

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